An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day

March 24, 2013

Managing our time needs to become a ritual too. Not simply a list or a vague sense of our priorities. That’s not consistent or deliberate. It needs to be an ongoing process we follow no matter what to keep us focused on our priorities throughout the day. I think we can do it in three steps that take less than 18 minutes over an eight-hour workday.”


The preceding quote is from the latest “DFS Learning e-Blast” article, An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day, by Peter Bregman.


In this July 20 2009 blog on HBR Blog Network, the author discusses the power of rituals to allow us to more effectively manage our time.


If you are like me, it is always helpful to learn ideas about managing your time better.  I challenge you to try the simple steps in the article for a week and see if it doesn’t help you get more in control of your time.


More from the article:


The power of rituals is their predictability. You do the same thing in the same way over and over again. And so the outcome of a ritual is predictable too. If you choose your focus deliberately and wisely and consistently remind yourself of that focus, you will stay focused. It’s simple.”


Read the short article to learn more!


Mike Osorio, your Dare to be Contagious™ strategist


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4 Keys of Successful Project Leadership

February 10, 2013

Leaders play a critical role in setting the conditions for a team to successfully manage a project.  If you focus on the following four key roles you can play on a project as the project leader you’ll dramatically improve the odds of project success.  More important, you’ll create a culture where your team members trust you and know you’re doing everything you can to help them succeed.”


The preceding quote is from the latest “DFS Learning e-Blast” article, 4 Keys of Successful Project Leadership, by Mike Figliuolo.


In this January 16, 2012 article from the thoughtLEADERS blog, the author discusses the difference between project management, and project leadership.


As a DFS leader, you are managing various projects for which you are responsible for delivering excellent results.  The four key roles detailed in the article, if played well, will make all the difference in the success of your project.


More from the article:


In creating the right culture, you’ll boost morale, reduce turnover, improve productivity, and generally have a team that wins more often.”


Read the short article to learn more!


Mike Osorio, your Dare to be Contagious™ strategist

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Recess comes to the workplace

October 8, 2011


Take a Break to Increase Productivity – 09-19-2011

September 19, 2011

A survey from Harris Interactive found that recess was key to improving workplace health and productivity, and re-energizing employees.

The survey was sponsored by Keen, the footwear brand which earlier this year launched Keen’s Recess Revolution tour, a series of events designed to inspire adults to “reclaim playtime and take much-needed 10-minute breaks from the daily office grind by escaping to the outdoors.” With a pop-up playground featuring tetherball courts, Frisbee, hula hoops and more, the tour has made stops in Denver, Minneapolis, Portland and San Francisco. The survey was released on September 14 on World Recess Day, a day-long outdoor event held by Keen in Washington D.C.

The Survey on Workplace Recess, conducted during August 2011 and involving 1,099 adults employed full-time, revealed:

  • More than half (53 percent) agreed that a 10-minute “recess” outdoor break initiated at their workplace every day would make them a healthier, happier or more productive employee;
  • Forty-one percent felt outdoor breaks would help them deal with stress at work;
  • Forty-four percent indicated that they would participate in recess if it were offered at their workplace, with the greatest interest among women (53 percent) and Millennials (51 percent).

At the same time, more than 70 percent said they’ve never participated in a paid recess-type break outside of lunchtime. Seventy-eight percent (78 percent) felt that certain factors would need to be in place for recess to be a part of the workday, including encouragement from top management (39 percent), participation from their boss and/or colleagues (25 percent), a designated time of day for recess to avoid scheduling conflicts (35 percent), and recess becoming part of the company culture (33 percent).

Dr. Toni Yancey, author of Instant Recess: Building a Fit Nation 10 Minutes at a Time and co-director of the Center for Health Equity and professor of health services at UCLA, said in a statement that short activity breaks would aid in reducing obesity rates and sick days while lifting employees’ mood and subsequently improving productivity

“If employers offered and encouraged a paid activity break during the day, it would offer a real return on investment for them — delivering $1.50 – $2.00 for every dollar spent implementing the program, according to our estimates,” said Dr. Yancey.

Added James Curleigh, Keen’s CEO, “I hope that the idea of workplace recess will catch on with companies that aspire to be great places to work, ultimately making recess as common as casual Friday.”

Discussion questions:  What do you think of the proposed benefits and feasibility of scheduled short activity breaks for retail store and headquarters employees?

My post:

There are physical and psychological benefits to a well designed “recess” strategy. The key is infusing a bit of fun into the sameness of most retail workdays, whether in the office or on the sales floor. The Pike’s Place Fish guys are a well-used example of this done right, but there are many others out there. It is difficult to schedule in today’s lean staffing store environment, but worth the effort. Especially when the boss plays too. It can be as simple as a 15 minute fast-paced walk outside to a green area to enjoy a coffee and a chat, or a little more planned, such as a once or twice monthly walk to an ice cream place as a reward. Don’t make it too structured, or you’ll lose the ‘fun’ element. This can be a big part of an ongoing and authentic engagement strategy.

Mike Osorio, your Dare to be Contagious! ™ strategist

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